
Monday, August 1, 2011

Budget Travellers and Diners

Hi everyone! My friend and I decided to put up a travel and dining blog not just to inform others but also to share our experiences. First of all we are budget travellers, we also consider ourselves as backpackers when travelling. Budget travelling is all about having maximum fun for minimum money. It doesn't mean having one meal a day and sleeping in a make-shift bed or living like a vagabond. You can still get the vacation of your dreams at the budget you set. A rule for any type of travelling, lavish or budgeted is that it should be planned. Take ample time to research about the various packages you are considering for your vacation before you book one.

We love to eat. It can be an inexpensive or fine dining, as long as we enjoy the food, that’s all that matters. Food for us should always be of high quality for the fact that no one should have to pay for something that they don't like or that isn't fixed up to their standards. Sharing good food with friends is an intimate experience that should be indulged in lightly.

We hope that our blogs would be helpful for you on your next destinations and dine-outs. Thank you and enjoy reading!

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